TA Code | Latin term | English term |
A14.3.01.001 |
A14.3.01.002 |
Truncus sympathicus
Sympathetic trunk
A14.3.01.003 |
Ganglion trunci sympathici
Ganglion of sympathetic trunk
A14.3.01.004 |
Rr. interganglionares
Interganglionic branches
A14.3.01.005 |
Rr. communicantes
Rami communicantes
A14.3.01.006 |
R. communicans griseus
Grey ramus communicans ▲
A14.3.01.007 |
R. communicans albus
White ramus communicans
A14.3.01.008 |
Ganglia intermedia
Intermediate ganglia
A14.3.01.009 |
Ganglion cervicale superius
Superior cervical ganglion
A14.3.01.010 |
N. jugularis
Jugular nerve
A14.3.01.011 |
N. caroticus internus
Internal carotid nerve
↓ A14.3.01.012 |
N. pinealis
Pineal nerve
A14.3.01.013 |
Nn. carotici externi
External carotid nerves
A14.3.01.014 |
Rr. laryngopharyngei
Laryngopharyngeal branches
A14.3.01.015 |
N. cardiacus cervicalis superior
Superior cervical cardiac nerve
A14.3.01.016 |
Ganglion cervicale medium
Middle cervical ganglion
A14.3.01.017 |
Ganglion vertebrale
Vertebral ganglion
A14.3.01.018 |
N. cardiacus cervicalis medius
Middle cervical cardiac nerve
↓ A14.3.01.019 |
(Ganglion cervicale inferius)
(Inferior cervical ganglion)
A14.3.01.020 |
Ganglion cervicothoracicum; Ganglion stellatum
Cervicothoracic ganglion; Stellate ganglion
A14.3.01.021 |
Ansa subclavia
Ansa subclavia
A14.3.01.022 |
N. cardiacus cervicalis inferior
Inferior cervical cardiac nerve
A14.3.01.023 |
N. vertebralis
Vertebral nerve
A14.3.01.024 |
Ganglia thoracica
Thoracic ganglia
A14.3.01.025 |
Rr. cardiaci thoracici
Thoracic cardiac branches
A14.3.01.026 |
Rr. pulmonales thoracici
Thoracic pulmonary branches
A14.3.01.027 |
Rr. oesophageales
Oesophageal branches ▲
A14.3.01.028 |
N. splanchnicus major
Greater splanchnic nerve
A14.3.01.029 |
Ganglion thoracicum splanchnicum
Thoracic splanchnic ganglion
A14.3.01.030 |
N. splanchnicus minor
Lesser splanchnic nerve
A14.3.01.031 |
R. renalis
Renal branch
A14.3.01.032 |
N. splanchnicus imus
Least splanchnic nerve; Lowest splanchnic nerve
A14.3.01.033 |
Ganglia lumbalia
Lumbar ganglia
A14.3.01.034 |
Nn. splanchnici lumbales
Lumbar splanchnic nerves
A14.3.01.035 |
Ganglia sacralia
Sacral ganglia
A14.3.01.036 |
Nn. splanchnici sacrales
Sacral splanchnic nerves
A14.3.01.037 |
Ganglion impar
Ganglion impar
↓ A14.3.01.038 |
Paraganglia sympathica
Sympathetic paraganglia
Entries: 38 | Notes: 3 | Date: 29.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♦ | A14.3.01.012 | Nervus pinealis Previously known under the name of n. conarii, referring to the old name of the pineal gland, conarium. |
♠ | A14.3.01.019 | Ganglion cervicale inferius A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing inferioris with inferius in the Latin precursor. |
♠ | A14.3.01.038 | Paraganglia sympathica A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing the TA code A14.3.01.078 with A14.3.01.038. |